[Mainland Chinese Drama 2022] The Imperial Age 山河月明 (2025)

I'm up to ep 18.[Mainland Chinese Drama 2022] The Imperial Age 山河月明 (1)

Eps 14 - 18:

l am enjoying it. Real Life is so much more difficult to Navigate in Factual Stories. A person is so easy to get Misunderstood.

So Prince Yan (Zhu Di) commenced his responsibility as Head of the Embroidered Uniformed Guards. He was sent to Bei Ping (Old Name for Bei Jing) - to uncover the deeds of his father's Corrupted Officials. His wife with her new baby went along.

The wicked Mongolian Princess Hai Bie went along to "Pass Information" to her Father. (I failed to understand the Stupidity of the Ming Royal Family. How could they think that a Mongolian Princess, whose mother was killed by one of their generals, can be Tamed?)[Mainland Chinese Drama 2022] The Imperial Age 山河月明 (2) And she has got Lee Jin Long completely wrapped around her Fingers by now.

But smart Xu Miao Yun seems to "smell" the danger in her.

The Results Of Zhu Di's Investigations:

From Bei Ping, he went to Feng Yang. He found many corrupt Officials. The most involved was Prime Minister Hu Wei Yong. Previously Hu Wei Yong proposed to Crown Prince Zhu Biao to "transport military rations" to Bei Ping through merchants. And then exchange "Salt Tickets" to earn Money. Which has become a way for many officials to enrich their personal pockets.

Remember Tie Xuan? He was the thin, young, disguised Monk who in an earlier episode was rescued by Zhu Di. When Zhu Di went to Feng Yang disguised as a Head of A Hundred Households, he met Tie Xuan. Tie Xuan was in danger because he wants to report the Corrupt Officials. Zhu Di brought him back to Nanjing to relate the case to the Crown Prince. With Zhu Di's recommendation, Tie Xuan was sent back to Feng Yang as an official.

Tie Xuan joined hands with Zhu Di to investigate many corrupt officials. Tie Xuan is a tough guy. He played a game with Zhu Di and led many corrupt officials into Zhu Di's trap.

Despite that, Tie Xuan pointed out several weak points of the Embroidered Uniform Guards. He even personnaly "impeach" Zhu Di.

Zhu Di Stirred The Hornets' Nest:

Zhu Di's investigation disturbed Hu Wei Yong and the interests of those officials. PM Hu Wei Yong mobilised the officials to "Impeach Zhu Di". Huang Jing, a member of the Household Department, beat the "Lodge A Complaint Drum" to complain about this injustice and then committed suicide in Cheng Tian Men. This made many officials very dissatisfied with the newly formed Embroidered Uniform Guards.

So in the process Zhu Di got Misunderstood by everyone:

Even Crown Prince Zhu Biao also began to suspect his younger brother Zhu Di. The Crown Prince, his Nephew (i.e. the Crown Prince's eldest son), all the Court Officials and the common people. Everybody deemed him the most Oppressive Official. Even Miao Yun's younger brother and sister. Miao Yun understood but she was devastated. It is Work. So Zhu Di could not confide in Miao Yun. Just like an Undercover Agent could not reveal his True Face.

PM Hu Wei Yong and several ministers begged Emperor Zhu Yuan Zhang to "abolish" the Embroidered Uniform Guards.

Zhu Di was ordered to be imprisoned. The Embroidered Uniform Guards was temporarily managed by another official. Tie Xuan refused to plead guilty and was tortured.

Emperor Zhu Yuan Zhang demoted Zhu Di to a Commoner and took back his Residence and the Treasure Book. All the princes went to intercede for Zhu Di. Even Queen Ma went to persuade Emperor Zhu Yuan Zhang to no avail. Because an Emperor will always think about saving his "Face" first.

Miao Yun Was Disheartened:

After the long journey following Zhu Di to Bei Ping, Miao Yun cut short her stay at Bei Ping to return to the capital in Nanjing because she was heart-broken to watch his husband carrying out an Unrewarding Assignment. Thus exhausting herself and her baby. As a result her baby's health was compromised. He could not indulge in Martial Arts and Horse-Riding in future. I presume the infant will be short-lived too. The sacrifice Zhu Di made under the order of his Emperor-Father.

In fact in this Unrewarding Assignment, Zhu Di has 2 Enemies:

a) Princess Hai Bie and b) the Corrupted and Arrogant Prime Minister Hu Wei Yong

Prime Minister Hu Wei Yong (A Protege of the Ex-Prime Minister Li Shan Chang)

Hu Wei Yong was recommended by Li Shan Chang. In fact, before Hu Wei Yong, Emperor Zhu Yuan Zhang had already appointed Yang Xian and Wang Guan Yang. They are all members of Liu Bowen's Zhedong Group.

There are 2 Camps in the Imperial Court: a) Alligned with Liu Bo Wen b) Alligned with Hu Wei Yong.

Hu Wei Yong won and Liu Bo Wen retired to his hometown in the earlier episodes.

Emperor Zhu Yuan Zhang is very smart. He wants to balance the power-struggle in his court. Elder Li Shan Chang is too arrogant. He thinks he deserves the Sky. Many things were not reported to Emperor Zhu. By the time Emperor Zhu came to know of it, it is already late. Therefore Emperor Zhu terminated Li Shan Chang's position in an earlier episode too.

But Li Shan Chang did not leave Nanjing. He sets up a former Prime Minister's office and continued to manipulate the court.

In the beginning PM Hu Wei Yong won the trust and appreciation of Emperor Zhu Yuan Zhang.

General Xu Da, Li Wen Zhong, Lan Yu and other generals could win their battles because of PM Hu Wei Yong's capable supervision of supplies: food, grass and soldiers

But Power Corrupts. And Hu Wei Yong is no exception.

Hu Wei Yong used Money, Beauties and other Promises to woo the Civil Servants and Military Generals.

Emperor Zhu Yuan Zhang had more than 30,000 members of his party beheaded. Including those who were already very old. Prime Minister Hu was given the "White Cloth" to hang himself - in Ep 18.

So we see. An Emperor has to be Decisive. Even if he is criticised for Being Cruel. It is either your Empire Or Nothing! And I believe it is the same for the eventual Emperor Zhu Di.

In the end, Zhu Di's name was cleared:

- Crown Prince regretted for not believing in him.

- A very much exhausted Xu Miao Yun gave birth to hers and Zhu Di's 2nd son. But her health is very much compromised.

Miao Yun never doubted Zhu Di and even beg for the assistance of the Empress. She begged under the rain till she fainted - because she was pregnant.

But I could see the Brewing Politics among the Ladies: a) Crown Prince's Imperial Concubine Lu b) Mongolian Princess Hai Bie.

Life is Tough for Xu Miao Yun and Zhu Di. But fortunately they are United Emotionally. Their Love Story in the History Books, is one to be Envied.

Saturday, 23 April: Edited to add more details.

[Mainland Chinese Drama 2022] The Imperial Age 山河月明 (2025)


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