Description: There are seven amulets in total and each is carved with a different design. They are all made of silver attached to a silver chain. They are about the size of a large coin and feature an image of different people engaging in acts of evil. Each amulet offers a small boon and a curse and requires attunement. The amulets can only be removed with a Remove Greater Curse or Wish spell or the death of the wearer. Each amulet must be attuned in order to gain its benefits but also its curse. As part of the attunement, the bearer must succeed at a Wisdom save (DC 15) or suffer 5d6 psychic damage. Half damage on a successful save.
Amulet of Greed – The Amulet of Greed has an image of a smiling man slowly sinking into a sea of coins and jewels.
Boon – The bearer seems to attract unexpected wealth. All gold, silver and jewels found or agreed upon as a paid reward are doubled.
Curse of Greed – The bearer cannot hide the amulet. It must always be visible and its nature will be clear to all who see it. As such, the Amulet of Greed is highly coveted and the bearer will attract thieves and assassins. During any long rest there is a 10% chance that the bearer will be attacked by bandits, greedy monsters like goblins, soldiers, or some other creatures are drawn to the amulet. This percentage increases to 25% if resting near or in small to moderate-sized towns and 50% in large cities.
Amulet of Sloth – The Amulet of Sloth depicts a man sleeping soundly in bed while his house burns around him.
Boon – The bearer gains a +2 bonus to all saving throw rolls.
Curse of Sloth – The bearer goes last in combat when determining initiative. The bearer’s initiative roll becomes the lowest roll of all enemies and allies -1 and does not benefit from any bonuses.
Amulet of Envy – The Amulet of Envy shows a man killing another and stealing the victim’s purse.
Boon – Spellcasting. The bearer gains the ability to cast certain spells. The bearer can cast the following cantrips as 1st level spellcaster of the assigned class (Vicious Mockery – Bard, Guidance – Cleric, Thorn Whip – Druid, Bless – Paladin, Hunter’s Mark – Ranger, Mage Hand – Sorcerer, Fire Bolt – Wizard).
Curse of Envy – The bearer’s ability scores are all capped at 15. Any ability score that was higher than 15 prior to attunement is reduced to 15.
Amulet of Wrath – The Amulet of Wrath features a blind man with a sword cutting his own throat.
Boon – The bearer gains the barbarian ability to rage. The number of rages and rage damage is treated as if the bearer was a barbarian at the bearer’s class level.
Curse of Wrath – The bearer becomes temperamental and easily upset when speaking with others. The bearer cannot willingly disengage or leave a battle and suffers disadvantage on all Charisma-based skills check and saving throws.
Amulet of Gluttony– The Amulet of Gluttony depicts a naked man cannibalizing dead bodies.
Boon – The bearer is immune to poison and disease.
Curse of Gluttony – The bearer suffers from a ravenous hunger. The bearer must consume three pounds of food and three gallons of water each day or suffer from one level of exhaustion at the end of the day.
Amulet of Lust – The Amulet of Lust depicts a crying man tied to a rack with multiple bleeding wounds. Whether he is crying from pain or pleasure is unclear.
Boon – The bearer gains advantage on all Charisma-based skill checks and attacks.
Curse of Lust – The bearer takes double damage from all melee attacks.
Amulet of Pride – The Amulet of Pride shows a skeletal and sickly man staring at a reflection of a healthy and beautiful man in a mirror.
Boon – The bearer gains a +1 bonus to Strength, Dexterity, and Charisma.
Curse of Pride – The bearer cannot receive any benefit, bonus to rolls, or support from an ally either through an ability (like sneak attack), a spell (like bless), or the help action. The bearer cannot be healed or aided in combat by anyone other than themselves.
Destroying the Amulets: Each amulet is connected to a chained devil (see Monster Manual). In order to destroy an amulet, you must summon the devil using the amulet as a focus. One person must attune to the amulet and stand in the middle of a summoning circle. Once the chained devil has been summoned, the bearer will be paralyzed until the devil is destroyed or dismissed. Removing the amulet deals the bearer 3d6 psychic damage and the devil is dismissed. If the devil is destroyed, the amulet explodes dealing 6d6 fire damage to the bearer and anyone within 10 feet of them.